Welcome to Datong Elementary School

Welcome to Datong Elementary School, nestled in the picturesque Shengang Township of Changhua County, where learning and discovery go hand in hand. Our school, bordered by the majestic Dadu River and the vast Taiwan Strait, offers a unique educational experience.

At Datong, we’re passionate about environmental sustainability. Our curriculum is designed to deepen your understanding of nature and our role in preserving it. We’re not just learning about the environment; we’re part of it.

Datong encourages a 'Maker Spirit' - fostering creativity, problem-solving, and hands-on learning. Here, your ideas take shape, and your imagination becomes a tangible reality.

As global citizens, we’re connected to a larger world community. Our curriculum includes global issues, cultural studies, and international relations, equipping you with a broadened perspective and adaptability.

We believe in the holistic development of each student. Physical health and mental well-being are integral to our educational philosophy, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling school experience.

Ready to embark on an enriching learning journey at Datong Elementary? We eagerly anticipate your arrival, where together, we’ll explore, innovate, and excel.



大同鼓勵「創客精神」 - 培養創造力、解決問題能力和動手學習。在這裡,你的想法將成形,你的想像將成為現實。




Latest News 最新消息

On October 8th, Datong Elementary School held a press conference for a special book donation. Principal Lee expressed deep gratitude to Amy Lin, the head of Books for Taiwan, for her dedication to bringing valuable English books from both U.S. public and school libraries to Taiwan. These books, which had reached the end of their circulation period, are now being repurposed as free resources for students in Taiwan, offering them new opportunities to learn and grow. The president of Datong’s Parent Association, Mr. Chen, along with the Wujangde Charity Organization, generously covered the shipping costs from the U.S. to Taiwan, ensuring these resources reached the school. Luke Lin, founder of My Culture Connect, played a crucial role in connecting the school with this wonderful initiative. Thanks to the kindness of so many people, the students’ English education will greatly improve.

大同國小於10月8日舉行了一場贈書記者會。李校長特別感謝Books for Taiwan負責人Amy Lin女士,感謝她長期致力於從美國的公立圖書館與學校圖書館將許多寶貴的英文書籍寄送到台灣。這些書籍已經到了圖書館的流通期限,如今被重新利用,成為台灣學生們免費的學習資源,提供他們更多的學習機會。大同國小家長會會長陳先生與武將德慈善功德會慷慨支付了從美國運送到台灣的運費,確保這些資源順利送達學校。My Culture Connect創辦人Luke Lin先生在促成此次捐書活動中也扮演了重要角色。感謝這麼多人熱心的幫助,學生們的英語教育將會大大提升。



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Welcoming the first graders to Datong (August 30th, 2024)

Hello, everyone! Thank you for joining us here at Datong Weekly News! Today we'll be talking about three important events that happened last week at Datong Elementary School. First, last Friday was the start of the new school year. We were so excited to welcome all the first graders! Next, the school gave each first grader a special book that we know they will enjoy! Finally, we celebrated Grandparents' Day! This was the most special event of all because you could feel the pride between the family members as they shared tea and made wonderful memories together! We at Datong are honored to hold these events for the new first-graders and look forward to making this a happy and loving place for them. Thanks for listening. See you all again very soon!
Edited by Edwin Schadewald



Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Datong News Beat!

We’ve got something really special to share with you this week! Guess what? Our school, Datong Elementary, just unveiled an amazing new art installation featuring a fiddler crab!

But it’s not just a decoration—it also showcases the awesome artwork of our sixth graders! Their paintings are displayed on the fiddler crab, making our campus feel even more lively and creative. Each piece reflects the students’ creativity and love for both the school and nature.

Curious why we made this installation? Why are these paintings on a fiddler crab? And what do they really mean? That’s all for today’s show! Tune in next time to find out the answers! Thanks for listening, and see you next time!




Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Datong News Beat! We've got some important news to share with you today. It's September 13th, 2024, and at exactly 9:21 this morning, our school held a 921 Earthquake Drill. The goal of the drill was to make sure that if we ever experience an earthquake, we know how to stay calm and protect ourselves.

Students, you all did an amazing job today! Right when the drill started, everyone quickly followed the teachers’ instructions—no pushing, no messing around. Everyone got down low and covered their heads just like they were supposed to. When it was safe, you all lined up and walked to the athletic field in an orderly manner. Nobody ran, and that made everything go so smoothly. I really think our students are excellent role models!

This drill showed us that when we’re faced with dangerous situations like an earthquake, it’s important to stay calm and follow directions. That’s how we can keep ourselves and those around us safe. And don’t forget the key steps when an earthquake hits: “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” When the ground starts shaking, drop down, find something sturdy to cover yourself, and hold on until it’s safe to move.

Alright, that’s it for today’s news! Thanks for tuning in to the Datong News Beat. See you next time! And remember, safety first!

大家好!歡迎收聽 大同新聞快報!今天我們有一則很重要的消息要和大家分享。今天是2024年9月13日,早上9點21分,我們學校舉行了九二一大地震的防災演練。這次演練的目的,是要確保我們在遇到地震的時候能夠保持冷靜,並知道如何保護自己。

同學們,今天你們的表現非常棒! 演練一開始的時候,大家都迅速地照著老師的指示行動,沒有推擠,也沒有嬉鬧。每個人都乖乖地趴下,並保護好自己的頭部。當確認安全後,大家依序排隊,慢慢走到 操場,秩序井然,沒有人亂跑,這讓整個演練進行得非常順利。我覺得我們學校的學生真的是很好的榜樣!


好啦,今天的新聞就到這裡!感謝大家收聽 大同新聞快報,我們下次再見囉!記得,安全第一!

Hello, everybody! My name consists of two words, Kaye and Cee, but you can just call me Kaye. I am a native English speaker from the Philippines, and I'm going to be your new foreign English teacher here at Datong Elementary School. Back in the Philippines, I was a private school teacher and an English as a Second Language teacher. Before I came to Taiwan, I took my licensure exam for teachers, and fortunately, I passed it. I also obtained my C2 (English Proficient Level certificate) and TESOL certificate (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) because I wanted to have a strong background in the English language.

As a person, I can say that I am a very passionate teacher. I would love to provide my students with a positive learning environment and help them realize how important English is in their lives. I know it might be difficult for them to learn that because it's not their first language, but I'm sure they can do it—they just need the right teacher to help them. I am very grateful for the opportunity to help them.

Regarding my hobbies and interests, I really, really love vlogging. Actually, it started here in Taiwan because, as you know, Taiwan has a lot of great places to visit, delicious food to taste, and wonderful experiences to share. I wanted to make videos about that because I want my fellow Filipinos to know and realize that Taiwan is a really great place to live. I also enjoy vlogging because when I get older and might forget things, I'll have videos to look back on.

Once again, I am very grateful for the opportunity to teach here at Datong Elementary School, and I promise to do my best to help the students and the school grow. That's all.

大家好!我的名字由兩個字組成,K 和 C,但你可以叫我 Kaye。我來自菲律賓,是一名以英語為母語的講者,我將成為大同國小的新外籍英語教師。在菲律賓時,我曾是一名私立學校老師和英語作為第二語言的老師。在來台灣之前,我參加了教師資格考試,幸運地通過了。我也獲得了 C2 英語專業水平證書和 TESOL 教學證書,這是教導其他語言使用者的英語教學資格。我這樣做是因為我希望在英語語言方面擁有堅實的背景。


關於我的興趣和嗜好,我非常非常喜歡拍攝 vlog。其實,這個興趣是在台灣開始的,因為你知道,台灣有很多好玩的地方,很多美食可以品嚐,還有許多值得分享的好經歷。我想製作這些視頻,是因為我希望我的菲律賓同胞能夠知道並且意識到台灣真的是個很好的居住地。此外,我也喜歡拍攝 vlog,因為當我年紀漸長、可能會忘記一些事情時,這些視頻將成為我回憶的依據。


Datong Elementary School 2024 Happy Dolphin Summer Baseball Camp ⚾⚾⚾

Join us for a fun-filled baseball camp on Saturday, August 10th at Shenkang Zhongxing Baseball and Softball Field! We invite young players from all schools to come and enjoy the thrill of playing baseball, swinging the bat, and making lasting childhood memories.

In the morning, you'll learn essential baseball skills, and in the afternoon, you'll get to put those skills to the test in exciting team challenges.

Best of all, this event is completely free!

We look forward to seeing many enthusiastic students join us!

大同國小 2024快樂海豚暑期棒球營 ⚾⚾⚾





On December 9, 2023, Datong Elementary School in Shengang Township, Changhua County, marked its 71st anniversary. This special day was also the occasion for the inauguration of the new Ren'ai Building and a sports field. County Magistrate Wang, along with other notable guests, attended the event and praised the advancements made under Principal Li's leadership.

During the celebration, Principal Li recognized the presence of various local leaders and educators, such as legislators, councilors, education department officials, and community members.

County Magistrate Wang extended her congratulations to the school on this significant anniversary and the opening of the new facilities. She noted that the funding for the earthquake-resistant Ren'ai Building, which comprises 21 classrooms, was a joint effort by the Ministry of Education and the county government. The sports field was also refurbished and constructed with financial assistance.

The design of the Ren'ai Building is influenced by the local sea and wetland elements of Shengang. These design choices are intended to foster a superior teaching and learning environment.

Magistrate Wang lauded the school's staff, the parent-teacher association, and the students for their dedication and success, highlighting their achievements in a national basketball championship, an English group reading contest, and a student art competition.

Principal Li expressed his appreciation to Magistrate Wang and the Ministry of Education for their substantial support in revitalizing the school, especially with the introduction of digital learning facilities. He hopes that these improvements will provide the students with a joyful and fruitful learning experience.





