Unit 1
professional development 專業進修, nap 午休, workbook 習作, warm-up 暖身, recess 下課時間, check out 借書, sticky rice ball 湯圓, eat 吃, mop 拖地
Unit 2
snowman 雪人, puffed rice 爆米香, sweep 掃, boil 煮, clean 清理, leave 離開, white cherry 白櫻桃, mop 拖把, dismissal 放學
Unit 3
stairs 樓梯, paint 彩繪, school lunch 營養午餐, office of academic affairs 教務處, wash 洗, after-school program 課後輔導, final exam 期末考, computer class 電腦課, cotton candy 棉花糖
Unit 4
plant 植物, hoop rolling 滾鐵圈, kendama 劍玉, pinball 彈珠台, sand bag 沙包, music class 音樂課, story 故事, Chinese language competition 語文競賽, basketball practice 籃球練習
Unit 5
pop-up event 快閃才藝表演, video game 電玩遊戲, art camp 藝術營, scoop up 舀, morning assembly 朝會, jog 慢跑, self assessment 自我評量, book fair 書展, worksheet 學習單
Unit 6
cart 餐車, prize 獎品, Easter 復活節, playground 遊戲場, mobile library 行動圖書館, taro balls 芋圓, school band 學校樂隊, rainy day 下雨天, restroom 廁所
Unit 7
refrigerator magnet 冰箱貼, cabbage 高麗菜, brush 刷牙, toy 玩具, test 考試, recruit 招生, utensil 餐具, recycling 回收, nurse's office 保健室
Unit 8
hair donation 捐髮, dribble 運球, digestive system 消化系統, water dispenser 飲水機, cross 穿越, glue 膠水, scissors 剪刀, tee ball 樂樂棒球, dragon boat 龍舟
Unit 9
graduation 畢業典禮, crosswalk 斑馬線, shoot hoops 投籃, bottle rocket 水火箭, art club 美術社, graduate 畢業生, learn 學習, traditional Chinese instrument 傳統中國樂器, train 火車
Datong Elementary School/ 大同國小簡介
Character Education/ 品德教育
School Anniversary/校慶
Bilingual Musical Terms/ 雙語音樂
Datong Basketball Team/ 大同籃球隊
Datong Track and Field Team/ 大同田徑隊
Datong Tee Ball Team/ 大同樂樂棒球隊