Datong Basketball Team 大同籃球隊

The Datong Elementary School basketball team has been around for over 20 years, with Mr. Ke Zhenming as the coach. With lots of experience and a big love for basketball, Mr. Ke has helped the team win many times. In the 112th school year basketball league, the 6th-grade girls’ team won first place, and the 6th-grade boys’ team came in second in Category B.

These great results come from the hard work of 26 students and Mr. Ke's careful teaching. He makes sure everyone practices their skills and works together as a team. Mr. Ke also helps the players stay calm during games and teaches them how to play their best.

The basketball team's success shows how much effort Mr. Ke and the students put into training. We can’t wait to see how well they do in the future!



